Enough JavaScript to get you Started : #17 rest,spread and destructuring

Enough JavaScript to get you Started : #17 rest,spread and destructuring


5 min read

rest and spread operator (...)

πŸ‘‰ rest and spread operators came out with release of ECMA6
πŸ‘‰... can be used as rest as well as spread operator


πŸ‘‰ collects all remaining params into a single array

πŸ‘‰ Problem statement : write a function which can perform sum of N numbers


const sum = (n1,n2,n3) => {
       return n1+n2+n3;

πŸ‘‰ this solution works for only 3 numbers but as per the definition we've to add N numbers

πŸ‘‰ now the problem is we don't know how many params are going to passed maybe 3 maybe 5 maybe 100?

πŸ‘‰ we can't write 100 function for 100 numbers

πŸ‘‰ Solution : use rest operator

πŸ‘‰ rest operator (...) collects all the actual values passed and then combines them into one array , so we can pass n number of params without having to write separate functions for each of problems

πŸ‘‰ Example

const sumOfN = (...elements) => {
     let total = 0;
     // remember rest passes array as arguement
     // we'll loop through each element and add them into total.
             // += is short hand for 'total = total + elements[i]`
             total+=elements[i]; // will add items from array one by one
     return total;

// let's check
sumOfN(1); // βœ” returns 1
sumOfN(1,2); // βœ” returns 3
sumOfN(1,2,3); // βœ” returns 6
sumOfN(1,2,3,4); // βœ” returns 10

πŸ‘‰ according to ECMA standards the param which will use rest operator need to be last in parameters

πŸ‘‰ Example : sumOfN(someOtherVar,...elements)

Spread operator

πŸ‘‰ Spread operator have similar (...) expression as rest operator but it works in different context
πŸ‘‰Spread operators allows us to expand elements without having to write loops explicitly
Let's understand it through example πŸ‘‰ Problem statement : create a program which can merge two arrays

πŸ‘‰ The old way :

let arr1=[1,2,3];
let arr2 = [4,5,6];
let mergedArray = [];
for(let item of arr1)
       // push method is used to push elements into array at last index
for(let item of arr2)

// will print [1,2,3,4,5,6]

πŸ‘‰ The new way with spread operator :

let arr1 = [1,2,3];
let arr2 = [4,5,6];

// '...arr1' will unpack 1,2,3 into mergedArray
// '...arr2' will unpack 4,5,6 into mergedArray
let mergedArray = [...arr1,...arr2];

// will print [1,2,3,4,5,6]

πŸ‘‰ Spread makes it easy to work with day to day array operations


πŸ‘‰ Descructuring in JavaScript simply refers to popping out the desired values from Objects and Arrays

πŸ‘‰ Example : The old way

const πŸ• = {
       name : "sharron",
       color : "black",
       age : 9

// old way to access values
const name = πŸ•.name;
const color = πŸ•.color;
const age = πŸ•.age;

πŸ‘‰ Example : The new way

const πŸ• = {
       name : "sharron",
       color : "black",
       age : 9

// using destructuring to extract values
const {name,color,age} = πŸ•;

console.log(name); // sharron
console.log(color);  // black
console.log(age);    // age

const heros = ['iron man', 'super man', 'spider man'];

const [hero1, hero2, hero3] = heros;
console.log(hero1); // "iron man"
console.log(hero2); // "super man"
console.log(hero3); // "spider man"

Let me know in comment section if you have any doubt or feedback. it's always worth to give time to the thriving developer community :)

Keep Coding ❀

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