Sometimes I Write <Code/>, Sometimes <Code/> Writes Me :)
Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript. -Jeff atwood (Coding Horror) Series Introduction Hey ,...
“Knowledge without Practice is useless, Practice without knowledge is dangerous”. -Confucius Why? 👉 So far we've learnt enough of the basics ,...
IIFE ✨ 👉 IIFE or immediately invoked functions as expressions simply refers to a function which runs as soon as it is defined. 👉 Which means if you...
Optional Chanining ?. 👉 According to MDN The optional chaining operator (?.) permits reading the value of a property located deep within a chain of...
rest and spread operator (...) 👉 rest and spread operators came out with release of ECMA6 👉... can be used as rest as well as spread...
Before we start 👉 Before we start this article i would like to clarify some technical jargons for you 👉 Scope : Scope is nothing but a code block...